Parents and Students, thank you for your patience and understanding!
We are still working to enhance our online ability to offer programs and training to meet the needs of all of our Martial Arts Students. We have added online booking services to limit our contact to meet CDC standards for Health & Safety Protocols. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our online features, booking, & payments. We really appreciate your continued support.
We want to make clear our new summer schedule and programs as follows:
Summer Zoom Schedule
We still have zoom classes. The schedule has changed for Summer (Click Here)
Summer Extension - $25 per class
These classes will be in-person (no contact) and held outside. Tuition is 50% off for all Zoom students, and at NO Charge for our students enrolled in the regular (in-person) programs. (Click Here)
Summer Camp
1-week program held outside. (Click here)
We are looking forward to hearing from you. We continue to strive to provide more options for students that are having a hard time in Zoom amid COVID -19.
We are willing and ready to help you book!
Call the office phone at 626-398-8853, chat with us on our website, or email us at